
4 Yoga Poses to Help Detox Your Body

You don’t always need a juice cleanse or 24 hour fast to detox the body (none of these are bad but not always necessary!). The right Yoga Flow can help detox your body especially if you are intentionally incorporating some poses that are meant to alleviate toxins in the body. Through a regular yoga practice you can help your body eliminate unwanted impurities such as carbon dioxide, lactic acid and help increase blood flow to the organs which in turns gives them the ability to work stronger for you.

Check out a few of the poses below and the “WHY” behind them being good for detoxing the body and mind.


Why? Downward Dog is an example of an inversion pose which encourages blood circulation in a different direction and it helps to rinse out the lymph nodes.


Why? Eagle pose can help boost circulation and wring out the toxins from the bloodstream and lymphatics, it can also serve as a great stress reliever for the brain because of the crisscross action of the limbs.


Why? Twisting postures are often times equated with detoxing because the compression and gentle movement in the torso helps get things moving in the digestive system. The more we can get things to move within the digestive system the more wastes and toxins the intestines, liver and organs can push out.


Why? Wide leg forward fold helps to boost circulation just like Downward Dog because the head is below the heart and this pose also helps to facilitate digestion.

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