
5 Ways to Get More Protein at Breakfast

Remember the ol’ saying, “breakfast is king”? While all meals are important, fueling up with a balanced meal in the morning can set the tone for how you will feel the rest of the day. Each macronutrient has its own important role, but if your goal is to stay full until your next meal, the focus should be on protein.

If you’ve ever eaten breakfast and then been hungry an hour or two later, chances are, you didn’t get enough protein. Protein helps with satiety, keeping you fueled and full for the long haul.

Unless you’re eating a standard American breakfast in the morning that consists of eggs and a meat side, it can be challenging to find ways to boost the protein on your plate.

Here are five creative ways to get more protein in the morning.

Sprinkle on the superfoods. Superfood seeds, to be more precise. While chia and flax seeds both have protein, hemp seeds stand out among the rest with their impressive nutrient profile. Just three tablespoons of hemp seeds provides 10 grams of protein! Sprinkle them on your avocado toast, in your oatmeal, or blend them up in a smoothie for a boost of protein.

Lean on high quality protein supplements. While it’s best to get your nutrients through minimally process foods, supplements can be a healthy part of your diet if used the right way. A high-quality protein powder can be a great way to give your oats or smoothies a significant boost of protein in a convenient (and tasty) way.

Give your coffee a boost. Speaking of supplements, collagen powder has gained popularity over the past few years for its protein quality and health benefits. Collagen can be used many different ways, but is most commonly added to morning beverages for an easy way to get more protein. Collagen powder can be found in a variety of flavors and dissolves naturally into liquid. This is a great “protein on the go” option for those that don’t love the idea of sitting down to a hearty breakfast first thing in the morning.

Make a balanced smoothie. If you find that you’d rather drink your breakfast, smoothies are a great way to get the nutrients you need to feel energized in your day. Beware, not all smoothies are the same. It’s easy to cross the line into dessert territory with smoothie ingredients such as fruit juices, frozen yogurt, and added sugars. Make a healthy smoothie at home using the guide outlined in this post: How to build an energizing smoothie.

Make a nut butter yogurt parfait. Have you ever tried swirling a tablespoon of your favorite nut butter into plain, Greek yogurt? If not, now’s the time to start. It tastes like a healthy dessert and is a delicious breakfast option, especially for those of us who battle a sweet tooth throughout the day. Top your signature yogurt parfait with fresh fruit, and you’ve got a balanced meal that you can throw together on your way out the door.

Which protein boost will you try first?

Carly Paige, health coach and cooking instructor, believes that healthy doesn’t have to be hard. Her mission is to show you simple swaps in and out of the kitchen to elevate your everyday that will transform your health. Carly is the author of Simply Swapped Everyday, a healthy guide and cookbook with over 75 plant-powered recipes and founder of FitLiving Eats – a place where she shares nutritious recipes and how-to guides.

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