Member Profile

Meet Dan

When Dan Royer was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in August 2021, he didn’t back away from the active life he loves. Instead, he decided to prioritize his wellness by connecting with an exercise community. 

Royer became a member at MVP Athletic Club, Rockford where he instantly found his community through MVP’s Well-Fit classes and through his personal training sessions.

Designed for aging members who are ready to improve and maintain their lives by staying active, fit, healthy, social, and educated, MVP’s Well-Fit programming connected him to one of his favorite classes, Well-Fit Move.  

Focused on improving balance, strength, and agility, he sees this class as being highly beneficial for anyone with Parkinson’s Disease. This class has now become a staple in his weekly wellness routine. 

As an already active runner, one of Royer’s goals was to introduce strength training into his new wellness routine, which he claims was invaluable. Through his personal training sessions, Royer has learned fundamentals, correct form, and tips on how to safely weight train. Royer credits his personal training sessions as inspiring and encouraging – leading him to think differently about exercise and the mind/body connection than he had previously. 

To him, it’s all about the community engagement he has gained since joining MVP. Royer has formed strong supportive relationships with MVP Team Members, as well as other members who have become a part of his journey. He has even met other members who Parkinson’s Disease also impacts. Through these relationships, he has found joy and community, despite his diagnosis. 

To others struggling with a diagnosis of their own, Royer encourages them to lean into their wellness by finding an exercise community – regardless of their age or health.

Cathy Rinck, trainer at MVP Rockford says, “Dan brings great energy and fun to Well-Fit Move class at MVP Rockford!  He is a wonderful encouragement to our other members, and has added so much to our community. 

Today, April 11, is World Parkinson’s Disease Day. We want to recognize all our members who are on a wellness journey to stay strong in the face of a diagnosis, injury, or treatment. We are so thankful for all our Team Members who dedicate their time to ensuring our members, like Royer, feel welcome and supported as a member of our MVP community. We are honored to be a part of Dan Royer’s story.


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That’s great Paul. Are you at the Rockford MVP? I hope we cross paths at some point.

Way to go Dan! I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 9 years ago. MVP has been instrumental in my life ever since. Well, I was a member before my diagnosis. I’ve always loved MVP. But I love it more now that it’s helping you too. Keep moving!!

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